How to withdraw

Go to WEMIX.Fi Pool

  • Go to WEMIX.Fi Pool. Access Pool by selecting the Pool menu on the main page.

Select the Concentrated Range pool

  • Choose the concentrated range pool from which you want to withdraw your liquidity. Pools where you have assets deposited will be marked as “Deposited”.

  • You can also easily view the list of pools where you currently have deposited through the “My Pools” menu.

Select the amount to withdraw

  • Select the “Withdraw” menu on the screen and enter the amount to withdraw.

  • If you select to “Withdraw all”, you can withdraw your deposited assets to your wallet, including the rewards.

  • You can also enter the withdrawal amount that you wish to withdraw including rewards.

Confirm total withdrawal value

  • Check the total withdrawal amount and value before withdrawing.

Confirm and approve transaction

  • Confirm the withdrawal details. This is the last time you can check if the details are correct before approving transaction. If input details are wrong, it can be changed and if details are correct click on Confirm to proceed.

  • The protocol requests permission to access the user's wallet to withdraw any assets, and once transaction request has been approved, the withdrawal will be executed.

  • If you have approved the withdrawal transaction and it has been successfully executed, you will see the Transaction Completed pop-up phrase in the upper right corner.

Last updated