Operation Guide

Start/Stop/Restart EN

The binary file of the WEMIX3.0 client node (i.e., gwemix) can be controlled using the following command.


This is a command to run the built gwemixusing script (i.e., gwemix.sh).

{data_directory}/bin/gwemix.sh start

When gwemix is executed with the above command, a log file with a size of 10MB is automatically saved in the {data_folder}/log directory. Up to 6 log files are saved, and this number can be changed in gwemix.sh.


This is a command to stop running gwemix.

{data_directory}/bin/gwemix.sh stop


This is a command to stop and start gwemixin operation.

{data_directory}/bin/gwemix.sh restart

Remove data

This is a command to delete all chaindata of gwemix in operation. Please note that all chaindata will be removed by this operation.

{data_directory}/bin/gwemix.sh wipe

Console access

This is a command to access gwemix JavaScript console.

{data_directory}/bin/gwemix.sh console


The status of the current gwemixcan be identified using the log file.

tail -F {data_folder}/logs/log

The log level is divided from 1 to 5 and the default is 3.

0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=detail (default: 3)

To change the log level, access the gwemix console and execute the command below to apply immediately.
