
This section covers how to use WEMIX 3.0 Explorer and WEMIX Wallet.


WEMIX3.0 Explorer is an explorer for checking block information on a WEMIX3.0 network. By monitoring the block and transaction status of the WEMIX3.0 network, you can check the information and status that occurs in the blockchain. You can also check information about tokens, NFTs, and Balance.

What is WEMIX3.0 Explorer?

WEMIX3.0 Explorer is a block explorer for the WEMIX3.0 blockchain. Explorer is essentially a search engine that allows users to easily check, see and validate transactions that occur on the WEMIX3.0 blockchain. Our mission is to promote blockchain transparency by allowing all transactions in the WEMIX3.0 blockchain to be indexed and searched in the most transparent and accessible manner. WEMIX3.0 Explorer is not a wallet service provider, does not store your private key, and cannot control transactions occurring over the WEMIX3.0 network. It also provides a load-balanced API services that can be used to build distributed applications or use as data feeds for WEMIX3.0 blockchain information.

WEMIX3.0 Explorer Information

With WEMIX3.0 Explorer, users can obtain a variety of information related to transactions with specific blockchain and wallet addresses. If you look at the details, you can see the amount, transaction status, the sending address of the funds, and the receiving address associated with a typical transaction. WEMIX 3.0 Explorer acts as a search engine that displays information about the status of the blockchain to date. Explorer helps users easily see all transactions on the WEMIX3.0 blockchain. It also provides easy access to information related to blocks, transactions, and wallets (accounts). Here are the key reasons for using WEMIX3.0 Explorer.

  1. Transparency can be provided by allowing users to check balances and expenditures of smart contract addresses.

  2. You can validate your wallet address before sending your cryptocurrency.

  3. You can check whether the transaction was properly transferred to the recipient.

  4. You can view information about transactions in processing / confirmed / failed.

WEMIX3.0 Explorer Features

WEMIX3.0 Explorer provides the following features.

  • WEMIX3.0 transaction history

  • Search and Check a Block

  • Search and Check a Transaction

  • Token Information

  • NFT Information

  • WEMIX Balance

  • Open API

  • Verify Message Signature

  • Verify Contract Code

  • Broadcast Raw Transaction


WEMIX Wallet is a decentralized wallet based on WEMIX3.0 blockchain. As the sole owner of the wallet, your valuable assets are managed safely and transparently.

What is WEMIX Wallet?

WEMIX Wallet is a secure and transparent decentralized wallet that can manage cryptocurrencies issued by WEMIX3.0 blockchain. WEMIX Wallet allows users to manage the private key of the wallet as the main subject and can be used directly by connecting with various services in the WEMIX ecosystem. It manages various tokens in the ecosystem and provides checking and transferring service for the tokens you have.

WEMIX Wallet Features

WEMIX App Wallet provides the following features.

  • Create and Restore Wallet

  • Check Coin/Token Information

  • Send and Exchange Coin/Token

  • Check Transaction History

  • Check and Send NFT

  • Connect Wallet, Transfer Coin/Token, Approval of Signature Request

WEMIX Web Wallet provides the following features.

  • Manage Account and Key

  • Manage Assets(Tokens)

  • WEMIX Faucet of WEMIX3.0 Testnet